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FIGHTING BACK: Manitoba truck drivers take a stance against unconstitutional vaccine mandates

By Faith Snell, Whistle Wire, January 18th, 2022

Rick Wall organized a protest to fight against the federal vaccine mandates which requires all truck drivers to be fully vaccinated in order to cross the Canada-U.S border (Photo by Rick Wall)

Manitoba truck drivers are lining their vehicles up along Highway 75 near the border to protest the federal vaccine mandate affecting their jobs.

As of January 15th, the mandate requires Canadian truck drivers to quarantine when coming back from the United States if they are unvaccinated. A new American vaccine mandate will also be enforced on January 22nd requiring all drivers heading into the U.S to be vaccinated.

Sign from one of the trucks partaking in the protest, “Stop all mandates” (Darin Morash/CBC)

"We need to end all of these totalitarian mandates that our government has imposed on us for the last two years," said Rick Wall, who organized the protest. "This is put on by truckers but we are calling to end all mandates for every single human being in this country, not just for us. It's extremely frustrating."

The new mandate will require all truckers who remain unvaccinated to quarantine for 14 days. "That doesn't pay the bills," said Rick Wall, who is president of a trucking firm based in Winkler.

The protest started around 3 am January 17th and RCMP spokesperson Paul Manaigre said about 30-40 semi trucks are moving slowly, spanning about 3 km.

Not only are the semi trucks participating Wall said, but many other supporters in cars and pick up trucks.

One of the many trucks partaking in the protest advocating for medical freedom. (Darin Morash/CBC)

The truck drivers have remained steadfast in their fight for medical freedom and remaining unvaccinated. With the government and Trudeau pushing more unconstitutional mandates, Canada could be looking at food/supply shortages.

"We basically all stand in unity," he said. "When the trucking community unite and stand together, we can create change with the support of others and that's what we're trying to accomplish out here."

Many Canadians have taken to social media to show their support for truck drivers with the hashtag #TruckersForFreedom

Do you think vaccines should be mandated for truck drivers?


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